Soft Robots


We are developing soft robots using dielectric elastomer actuators and fluidic elastomer actuators.


Robot locomotion by fluid–fluid interaction


There is a boundary surface between liquids that do not mix with each other, such as water and oil. When one fluid deforms, it experiences a reaction force from the other. This interaction between fluids can be used to enable robot locomotion. In this study, we confirmed that by actively controlling the internal magnetic field to rapidly deform the ferromagnetic fluid, the robot gained thrust and achieved locomotion in water.

H. Kitamori, S. Kudoh, J. Shintake, Robot locomotion by fluid–fluid interaction, Scientific Reports, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1-9, 2023.


Tensegrity structures integrating dielectric elastomer actuators


Tensegrity is a structural style consisting of a flexible tensile material and a hard material. In this study, we developed an active tensegrity structure in which the flexible tensile material is replaced by  dielectric elastomer actuators. Such structures are expected to be used as building blocks for soft robots.

S. Watanabe, Y. Ikemoto, J. Shintake, Modeling and characterization of tensegrity structures integrating dielectric elastomer actuators, Advanced Engineering Materials, vol. 25, no. 8, p. 2201471, 2023.


Rapid fabrication method for soft devices using off-the-shelf conductive and dielectric acrylic elastomers


Rapid fabrication is effective for the quick design and fabrication of soft devices. In this study, we have demonstrated a method to rapidly fabricate soft devices by laser processing of ready-made conductive and dielectric materials. With this method, soft robotic elements such as dielectric elastomer actuators, stretchable sensors, and soft pumps can be fabricated within 15-30 min. The wearable device shown on the right is an example of an application. It is capable of sensing finger motion and presenting haptic information, as well as lifting objects by electro-adhesion.

R. Kanno, T. Nagai, J. Shintake, Rapid fabrication method for soft devices using off-the-shelf conductive and dielectric acrylic elastomers, Advanced Intelligent Systems, vol. 3, no. 4, p. 2000173, 2021.
菅野亮,新竹純,アクリル系導電性エラストマーによるソフトセンサとアクチュエータ,Dynamics and Design Conference, 357, 2020.


Finger motion detection by the integrated capacitive sensor


Lifting of a piece of paper by electroadhesion


Fish like underwater robots based on dielectric elastomer actuators (DEAs)


This robot has two DEAs attached both side of a thin silicone body. Alternate actuation of the two DEAs realizes swimming motion that resembles real fish.

Shintake, Jun, et al. "Soft biomimetic fish robot made of dielectric elastomer actuators." Soft robotics 5.4 (2018): 466-474. Shintake, Jun, Herbert Shea, and Dario Floreano. "Biomimetic underwater robots based on dielectric elastomer actuators." 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Ieee, 2016.